Unfortunately with some rain on the radar, particularly to the south, this meant that my planned navigation or solo nav was not possible.
Don’t forget in the stall not to obsess with Airspeed Indicator etc, and to check for traffic during the manoeuvre.
I could be asked to demonstrate 3 stalls in the skills test, usually after the nav portion.
- Fully developed in the clean configuration, recovery either at the fully developed stage or when the examiner says recover, make sure you know what he, she wants.
- Approach to stall descending turn with bank angle 20deg approach configuration (flaps), recover on first sign of stall
- Approach to stall in landing configuration (flaps, straight and level), recover on first sign of stall
Clean Power off Stall
- Carb Heat on
- Pull back throttle
- Pull yoke back, and back and back
- Until stall warner and buffet
- Release back pressure/Pitch down slightly – look outside, not facing the ground as adding power will accelerate altitude loss
- Full Power (a little right rudder might be needed) – wait a second, ensure out of the stall before adding power but not too long
- Carb Heat off
- Pitch back up to climb – don’t forget this, in a real life situation a stall could be close to the ground
Base leg Stall
- Carb Heat on
- Pull back throttle
- Trim (a lot) for best glide speed (60kt)
- Within the white arc, add 2 stages of flaps
- Rudder into turn (20deg?)
- Pull yoke back, and back and back
- Until stall warner or first sign of stall, don’t hesitate.
- .
- Add power then roll out with ailerons
- VSI shows positive rate of climb – remove 3rd stage/drag flap
- VSI shows positive rate of climb – remove 2nd stage flap
- VSI shows positive rate of climb – remove 1st stage flap
- Enter straight and level flight and trim
Steep Climbing Turns
Stay within 10-15degs.
Steep Descending Turns
- Really needs a lot of back pressure, lean into the G force don’t shy away from it. Need to maintain that altitude.
- Important to roll back from 45deg to 30deg, hold it (then add power?)
HASELL is used before any aerobatic maneuver including stalls and recovery from dangerous and unusual attitudes training
Height – Sufficient to recover
Airframe – Clean e.g. Flaps, gear etc
Security – Hatches & harnesses securer, loose items stowed
Engine – T’s & P’s OK
Location – Clear of ABC’s (A = Active airfields, B = Built up areas, C = Clouds and controlled airspace)
Lookout – execute clearing turns left and right.
HELL Check
Additional manoeuvres carried out close in time to the first can be performed with the abbreviated HELL Check.