PFL revision ahead of solo nav.

On initial contact with Southend, I shared “General handling in the Hanningfield area” as my routing.

The controller did check in on us after the first PFL as we disappeared off his radar, not a problem, we let him know that we’d be doing it a few more times.

Assess the wind direction & turn downwind. Lookout for smoke to give an idea of wind direction, failing that use the most recent wind direction you have been given (eg from the ATIS on departure).

It’s absolutely fine to go for a straight in approach to the field rather than downwind then a base leg then final.

Things to consider when selecting a field include:

  • Size – is it big enough to land and stop safely, allowing a reasonable margin for error?
  • Shape – a wider field is better than a long, narrow one as it gives you a wider range of approach paths
  • Surface – ideally unobstructed, short grass. Avoid tall standing crops. If you have to land in a ploughed field, aim to land parallel to the furrows – not across them
  • Slope – ideally flat
  • Surroundings – clear of power lines, phone cables, obstructions, etc on the approach path. Ideally the under and overshoot areas would make good landing sites too.

Get the MAYDAY call in early, before too much altitude is lost. Don’t change squawk if already assigned one by ATC.

(Simulated) Engine Failure:

  1. Immediately trim for best glide
  2. Carb Heat on
  3. Fuel On and Quantity
  4. Mixture Rich
  5. Throttle Open
    • For practice, we pump the throttle for a few seconds until the engine responses then back to idle
  6. Engine Ts & Ps
  7. Magnetos on both
  8. Primer in and locked

(Simulated) Enginer Fire:

  1. Pitch to loose height (an important different from engine failure_
    • At 1000ft, level out and opt best glide to field
  2. Fuel off
  3. Throttle Closed
  4. Mixture Lean
  5. Magnetos Off
  6. Radio Call, Flaps etc
  7. Then Master Switch off