Today’s lesson was good. Weather was fantastic but we planned to do solo time to get my up to the 3 hour mark which is a Stapleford milestone.

Two landings – flaring too high but saved both times and Sue was happy for me to go out on my own.

Another great feeling to be up there on my own again, time literally flew by and 50 minutes, 4 landings, 2 go arounds later I was on the ground. Not so much of a rush this time.

The goal of the solo time was to work on keeping a tighter circuit, focus a little more on headings rather than visual references in preparation for landing at an airfield I never have before..

Rather poetically, I was solo-ing as I entered my 30th hour. I think it’s amazing that I have spend 30 hours in the sky now since June last year, if we include my 3 trial lessons, and it’s a great opportunity for some reflection:

  • I’m proud of how far I have come and how committed I have been, I think a fair few people don’t make it this far as the commitment and dedication have to be high.
  • Despite a break with the new job and changing instructor, progress is beginning to pick up again and my goal is right around the corner.
  • I need to carve out time to do the exams, otherwise I will be massively behind and wasting time. The knowledge from the exams would definitely help things come together.
  • I am a little disappointed in my progress up to 30 hours, I wanted to be further along by now but what’s done is done. Looking forward in order to improve progress it’s important to be doing as much prep work as possible. Also a reminder to myself that very few people do it in 45 hours, so enjoy the journey.

My next planned lesson is tomorrow 28-01-24, dual navigation (my second ever).