My second nav flight, my first with my instructor Sue. A bit nervous about this one, as my first nav with Sam was a little overwhelming, but I did all my prep and was keen to get onto the next stage of my flight training.
Plan was to go Stapleford -> M25 Junction 28 -> Tiptree -> Boreham -> M25 Junction 28 -> Stapleford.
We went through the planning, there was some feedback:
- Heading variations should have the direction (e.g. -1deg East)
- Variations differ if should be + or -, need to do some more research on this
- Be sure to do safety alts:
- Look at heights of anything within 10nm of the track (e.g. masts etc above ~300ft) + 500ft minimum
- In each square on the map, there is a maximum elevation height which can be used + 500ft
- Consider heights of controlled airspace (e.g. Southend CTA starts at 2500ft nearest Stapleford before lowering)
- No need to do drift lines outside of the route triangle, which will help with readability!
- Split the route in halves, so that each track can be managed better
- When calculating ground speeds, I need to take the drift back into consideration.
- Draw a wind star on the map to help visualise wind directions
We did some prep work for my first radio calls with Southend Radar… let’s go!
On departing R21L we turned onto Crosswind and continued the climb. Carried out checks every 500 feet (Ts&Ps, under wing and nose etc). When leaving Stapleford Airspace I just had to say “Switching frequency to Southend Radar on 130.780 (Won-Tree-Zero-Decimal-Seven-Ait-Zero).”
First Call:
- Southend Radar
- Request Basic Service
On this occasion I was asked to hold, as they were very busy. When they called me back, I made the mistake of repeating the above which was not correct. As I had already spoken with Southend Radar there was no need to reference them again.
Once that mistake was overcome, the second call:
- Call Sign: G-BMTB
- Aircraft Type: Cessna 152
- Route: Stapleford to Stapleford via Tiptree and Boreham
- Position: Approaching Chemlsford (although approaching Tiptree by the time of the 2nd attempt)
- QNH: I’m at 2000 (too-tousand) feet on QNH 1020
- Request basic service
Southend Radar then replied, specifying their QNH, confirming basic service and asking me to squawk 4235 (example). Unfortunately due to an issue in the plane we were unable to do that and Sue handled that radio call.
I had to reply: Basic Service, QNH 1020, Squawk 4235, G-TB
Flying the route was generally ok, the plan was accurate and I was a lot more confident with the gross error checks. A little forgetful of the FREDA checks.
If at the half way point, double the error to correct it either 5deg out -> 10deg correction. Double the error for ETA times.
On return:
- Request Frequency Change
- Stapleford 122.805 (Won-Too-Too-Decimal-Ait-Zero-Fife)
Receive confirmation from Southend Radar. “G-TB, Frequency change approved, squawk conspicuity” – I think?
This needs a reply to confirm. Struggled a bit with “conspicuity” in the response, which has impacted my memory of if that was the whole call or not.
At this point a reminder to actually switch frequency to Stapleford (and update squawk if I actually could). No immediate need to talk to Stapleford.
Turned from Junction 28 and stayed on the right side of the M25 until Stapleford in sight, then crossed over to the left of the M25 with aiming for the runway letters/21.
Stapleford Radio, Inbound, Request Airfield Information, G-BMTB
- Confirmed that 21L is still in use therefore heading over
- Down to 1800ft, watching out for traffic in the circuit
- Radio: “Deadside, Descending, G-TB”
- I was a little wide, I was not considering the wind coming down from 210deg so I was pushed back past the M25
- Back over the 03 numbers at 1200ft and join the circuit properly, report downwind etc
Things to consider for next time:
- Splitting up the journey into halves will help with tracking time and not putting so much pressure on finding a gross error and 3 confirmation points which was a bit of a challenge.
- Ensure FREDA check memory items
- Use the Carb Heat check to check altitude and DI as well
- Learn order of the checks FREDA/HAT/Gross Error, keep checking that altitude and DI
- Really think about the direction of the wind and the impact on things not calculated (like take off/landing, circuit etc.)
- Aviate. Navigate. Communicate. Focus more on what you’re doing.
- Think about space in the cabin, sit up straight creating more space to move things around so I can do things such as hold the map up and write easily.
- Rotate the map at each turning point, helps to visualise where you are and more dynamic checks of any gross errors etc.
- Be really careful looking down, several times I was looking down and going off track and losing height without even noticing – very dangerous!
Next route will be something like:
Stapleford -> M25 Junction 28 -> ‘South of River’ -> ‘North of Chelmsford avoiding Southend CTA’ -> M25 Junction 28 -> Stapleford