After some weather cancellations and my previous attempt at this route ending in failure due to poor en route weather. The weather was good today, which should mean no diversion! Let’s go!

First leg went according to plan and I had some time before the transit request was processed so I was a bit more prepared. Cleared to transit Southend Airspace – I turned at Northey Island. Radar Control Service (make sure to say ‘Service’).

We were cleared through Southends ATZ, not overhead but it was still a great view of the airfield.

Through to the other wise of Southend Airspace I was given a Basic Service. I should have taken the opportunity to accept the Basic Service and then request the Zone Transit straight away before the controller is busy. Instead I just accepted the Basic Service and then had to later request the transit.

Basic Service, G-ISMC and Request Zone Transit Sittingbourne to Brentwood.

The rest of the flight went well, a little confusion between the junctions on the M25. Be sure to look at both sides and have some solid references.

When we were on the ground, we had a quick look at SkyDemon which has been recording and actually I had kept to the track pretty well – a good triangle. All round happy with my navigation.

On the overhead join – try not to descend too quickly. I rushed it a little and that was not necessary. Use VSI to get an idea, -500ft/min is MORE than enough. Don’t forget when inbound, say ‘Stapleford Radio’.

Things to think about for next time:

  • Variation East, Magnetic Least
    • Variation West, Magnetic Best
  • Radio calls
  • Prepare a route J28 to Rivenhall
  • Radio revision
    • Full Call Sign at the appropriate place
    • G-ISMC Cleared to enter Southend Airport via Northey Island, Not Above 2000ft QNH 1003.

Time to start thinking ahead to land aways and X Country. Bit of a break until my next planned lesson on 23rd March, time to get some revision in and exams passed.