My first time landing away, and it was at Southend.

I entered via Northey Island, as this is well placed for a base leg join. Both circuits are in operation, so they will tell you right base join or left base join.

They could ask me to “orbit”, to hold to space out traffic.

I had the airport plates printed out, and I had drawn on the circuits so that helps with the visualiation.

After landing we were asked to do an expedited exit from the runway. The runway sure did feel long at that point… eventually we crossed the runway barrier..

Taxiing was fun, trying to stay on the centre line, we were not stopping so it was a few minutes of taxi around the airport back to hold A1. I held slightly back from the holding point, turned into wind and carried out my power checks. I then notified Southend that I was “G-MC, Hold A1, Ready for Departure”. It is super important to understand that take off is not yet granted, they will tell me to line up and wait (for take off clearance).

(Can’t remember language) Request routing back to stapleford. “After departure, turn right” and “Approved to track Stapleford”

In order to pay my landing fees I had to download the Aerops app, enter the times and registration.