Today was finally the day, we shifted my lesson a bit earlier in order to absolutely avoid some potential rain in the afternoon
J28 -> Maldon -> Chelmsford -> J28
Leg 1
Heading set. Radio call to Southend Radar, felt like it was going well.
Completely forgot to set Squawk, ATC had to remind me…. Whoops….
At half way mark (hanningfield resevoir), I believed I was about 5deg off track, ETA was good.
Leg 2
I think I should have reviewed Google Earth here, as my halfway mark was surrounded by forests and was harder to confidently identify, not a problem as visibility was good and I could see Chelmsford ahead so no problem.
Leg 3
Again my half way mark Inglestone was not that familiar, but with the major road next to it, it was fine. Otherwise all good!
SkyDemon Review
- Altitude difference is still quite up and down and not within 100ft
- Otherwise track heading was good with only the half way heading change as a kink in the line.
- Outbound circuit a bit wobbly and not staying crosswind, veering left
- Inbound circuit really good
Other notes
- Review tech log for any defects
- Key goes into folder
- 93 litres is “full”
- Name, Ex18a, Oil and fuel needs to go in log