A CAVOK morning.. perfect for a solo nav. J28 -> Northey Island -> Sheerness -> Brentwood/J28

Leg 1

Had to be careful here not to drift to the south in case I didn’t get my clearance to enter. I received my clearance so all good there. I ended up drifting towards the controlled zone earlier than Northey Island, but I was granted my Radar Control Service so I continued to Northey Island and turned on direct track to Sheerness.

A little less confident today on the RT, I think because of the clearance.

Leg 2

Drifted a little bit too close to the overhead and Southend pier, made a correction at the half way mark but was conscious about not drifting too close to the airfield.
Towards the end of the leg, ATC asked me for my intented routing, so I didn’t need to think about requesting the zone transit after being given a basic service when leaving the controlled zone.

Leg 3

Despite feeling on track at the half way mark, I was quite a way off arriving at J28. Probably a lesson there to be more specific in that check, even if it could be hard, as it threw me off later.
Kept Southend Director for too long on this leg and I wasn’t ready to change back to Stapleford.

SkyDemon Review

  • No improvement: Altitude difference is still quite up and down and not within 100ft
    • Felt better in flight with better trimming
  • No improvement: Outbound circuit a bit wobbly and not staying crosswind, veering left

Other notes

  • Review tech log for any defects, I have to have someone else sign off.
  • Make a note of the fuel added for the tech log
  • Round times to 5 mins, mostly 5mins between brakes off and take off.