Revision Notes

  • AGK Revision Notes

    The Turn Co-ordinator is generally electrically operated, so is not affected by a suction pump failure. The Attitude Indicator and the Direction Indicator ARE powered by the suction pump. Both of these instruments will fail if the pump fails. The gyros in these instruments have an extremely fast average spin rate of about 18,000 rpm.…

  • VORs near Stapleford

    Name Label Frequency Morse Code Lambourne LAM 115.6 .-.. .- — Detling DET 117.3 -.. . – Clacton CLN 114.55 -.-. .-.. -. Biggin Hill BIG 115.1 -… .. –.

  • Morse Code Alphabet

    Letter Morse Code A .- B -… C -.-. D -.. E . F ..-. G –. H …. I .. J .— K -.- L .-.. M — N -. O — P .–. Q –.- R .-. S … T – U ..- V …- W .– X -..- Y -.– Z –..

  • Primary and secondary effects of flight controls

    1. Lateral Axis (Pitch): 2. Longitudinal Axis (Roll): 3. Vertical Axis (Yaw): Flight Controls and Effects: Understanding these primary and secondary effects is crucial for pilots to manage the aircraft’s attitude and energy efficiently, especially during maneuvers, takeoffs, and landings. Each control’s effect can vary depending on the phase of flight, airspeed, and other dynamic…

  • Three Axis

    In aviation, the three axes of flight refer to the imaginary lines that pass through an aircraft’s center of gravity, defining its movements in three-dimensional space. Each axis has corresponding flight controls that allow the pilot to manage the aircraft’s attitude and direction. Here’s an overview: 1. Lateral Axis (Pitch) 2. Longitudinal Axis (Roll) 3.…

  • Reading NOTAMs

    Elements of the ICAO NOTAMQ) A qualifier line, which contains coded information, coordinates, and radius for area for theautomated filtering of NOTAMsA) The ICAO location indicator of the aerodrome or FIR in which the facility, airspace, orcondition being reported is locatedB) Effective date/time (UTC)C) Expiration date/time (UTC)D) Schedule (optional)E) NOTAM text field is the condition…